Christ of the Sacred Heart, Christ of the Blessed Sacrament--these two are identical.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart is inseparably linked to devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
Love for the Sacred Heart must inevitably lead to the tabernacle.
Host and Heart are equally manifestions of the Love of the Saviour for Saints and sinners.
The impulse of Love in the Heart of the Saviour made inevitable the promise of the Eucharist, which climaxed the love feast of the loaves and the fishes.
Love in the wonderful evening before His Passion, when Love was the sole subject of His speech, and Love inevitably passed beyond words and became bread made Flesh and wine made Blood, with the guarantee that never would He leave us orphans.
That is why in His revelation to Saint Margaret Mary, Christ speaks of Holy Communion, that close union of the human soul with the divine.
That is why He asks that on the first Friday we come to welcome Him.
That is why He begs that on our knees before His loving Presence in the tabernacle we find the historicL Christ in the Eucharistic Christ and remember that the love of Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Before the Eucharistic Heart of Christ, we kneel and pray:
O God, Who in the heart of Thy Son, wounded by our sins, dost deign mercifully to bestow upon us the infinite treasures of Thy love, grant, we beseech Thee, that we who now pay Him the devout homage of our piety, may also perform the duty of worthy satisfaction. Through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.
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